
The Game of Numbers (1 to 9): Hidden Meaning and their Influence

The Numbers (1 to 9): Their Hidden Meaning, Their Influence on Men and Women’s Character The Single Numbers and Natural Addition:      The Single Number: The numbers 1 to 9 are called the single numbers. They are the basis for all of our calculations. Any number higher than 9 can be reduced to a single number using a process called natural addition.      The Natural Addition: In natural addition, you add the digits of a number together until you get a single number. For example, the number 11 would be reduced to 2 because 1 + 1 = 2. The number 14 would be reduced to 5 because 1 + 4 = 5.      The Soul/Spirit Number: The single number that is left after natural addition is called the soul number or spirit number. It is believed that this number can reveal important insights into a person's personality and character.      The Planets and the Numbers: The nine single numbers are associated with the nine planets in our solar system. This is why it is believed that mastering the meaning
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